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the first domestic live stock carrier converted passes amsa inspection smoothly

a few days ago, the live stock carrier converted for shanghai changhang shipping co., ltd and dalian hesheng holding co., ltd by dsic shipping co., smoothly passed strict inspection of australian maritime safety organization (amsa) only one-time, due for delivery to shipowners to put into service.


he shun is converted from a 660teu container ship, mainly for carriage of live cattle. the carrier is equipped with the advanced full-auto fodder feed and distribution system, large drinking water regenerating and supply system, stool drainage system, high efficiency ventilation system and adequate lighting system, in compliance with amsa and animal welfare institutes’ high standards and requirements on carriage of live animals.


it is the first time for dsic shipping co. to set a foot into the live stock carrier retrofit market in her conversion of he shun. during the construction process of whole project, well planned and carefully organized, dsic shipping co. has overcome many a technical difficulty, accumulated valuable experiences in production, and accomplished various test tasks smoothly, which has laid a firm foundation for opening the live stock carrier conversion market.

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