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dsic names and delivers another 319k dwt vlcc

on nov.17, dsic held a naming and delivery ceremony for no.71 319k dwt vlcc of coswisdom lake constructed for china merchants group. the tripartite representatives signed the ship delivery and acceptance protocol on behalf of dsic, china merchants group and csoc, where dsic leaders liu zheng and hu jianzhong were present at the ceremony.


dsic and china merchants group have had a long-term tie-up from the foremost 180k dwt capsize bulker, 110k dwt product oil carrier to the 319k dwt vlcc delivered today, for which the two parties have achieved fruitful results on many projects. the series of 319k dwt vlccs are the new-type ones redeveloped and designed by the parties jointly, based on benchmarking with international advanced level and new idea of energy-saving and environmental protection. the patented anti-sediment ballast tank design is applied to reduce comprehensive desilting rate effectively, which indicates dsic has made new breakthrough and further consolidated its competitive advantages in the field of 319k dwt vlccs.


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