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ministry of treasury national defense department survey team goes to dsic for investigation

on apr. 20, ministry of treasury national defense department deputy director zou suping delegated her survey team to dsic for an investigation, accompanied by csic deputy general accountant huang quji, dsic leaders liu zheng, an yumin and relevant divisional heads.


zou suping and her team visited production site and viewed company introduction video, expressing her appreciation for dsic’s outstanding contributions to rapid development of national shipbuilding industry and national defense construction. during the discussion, liu zheng extended his thanks for their long term support and help to dsic. he expressed, since international shipping market remains depressed in recent years, shipbuilding enterprises still have difficulties in ordering, delivery, earning and finance and production and operation status is very tough. he hopes the ministry of treasury national defense department can furnish more assistance in financial tax rates and policy support so as to help dsic develop in a sustainable and steady way.

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