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sun bo attended the delivery ceremony of 319,000dwt crude oil tanker “kai yi” of dsic

on june 15th, dsic held the ceremony to name and deliver no.62 319,000dwt crude oil tanker “kai yi” built for china merchants group. the representatives of dsic, china vlcc and china shipbuilding & offshore international co., ltd. (csoc), signed on the redelivery certificate. the general manager of csic, sun bo, vice general manager of china merchants group, sun chengming, together with liu zheng, yu fengping and cai zhuyi, etc., from dsic attended the ceremony.


sun bo said in his speech that the series of 319,000dwt crude oil tankers are the new type of vlccs redeveloped and redesigned through cooperation between the two sides, benchmarking on the standards of international advanced level and establishing high efficiency and energy saving, green environmental protection new ideas, reducing comprehensive sediment deposition rate efficiently by adapting patented  sediment prevention ballast tank design, which has marked the new breakthrough and consolidated competitive advantages of dsic in the field of 300,000dwt crude oil tankers.


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