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dsic delivered 3rd 9250teu containership successfully

on feb. 5, cma cgm・loire river, the 3rd 9250teu containership was named and delivered to french cma cgm , the 3rd largest global liner by dsic. up to now, dsic has delivered 3 9250teu containerships successfully, whose design and construction quality have reached to the first-class international level.  

this type of containership can load 9289 teu containers with an overall length of 300m and a displacement of 110,000 tons under full load, where the new type of ballast water treatment unit and quick oil recovery system are equipped aboard to meet imo (2025) emission standard in advance. meanwhile, several energy-saving actions have been adopted, such as economic speed design, high-efficiency rudder and new-type m/e, etc.

to ensure the building quality of 3rd vessel to reach a new height, dsic has conducted the planning and management elaborately, where relevant improvement and refining operations have been made in response to the design characteristics and key control points of the vessel during final erection. on the premise of ensuring cargo hold sizes to meet the requirements of container trial, strengthen the control and monitor on the hatch level. combining the block form and size of engine room, tail shafting and rudder, define the targeted location and baseline, through overall measurement, draw the pre-erection baseline of general block on ground and monitor the variation between baseline and general block at various stages and revise timely to ensure the data optimization of general blocks. facing the construction problems, dsic has gathered excellent technical forces to organize an elite team, who have begun to prepare in terms of workmanship and technique innovation and precision control, further strengthened the whole-process quality control on rudder system construction, and gone deep into study of rudder system building technology, during which, the technical staff fully follow up to instruct the aligning link of steering gear installation to lay a firm foundation on localizing the benchmark of rudder system installation successfully.

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