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china construction bank dalian branch president zhang xijun visits to dsic


on feb.14, china construction bank dalian branch president zhang xijun and his party paid a visit to dsic, where the two parties went further into exchanges and discussions on deeper cooperation and win-win development. dsic leaders liu zheng, yu fengping, hu jianzhong and financing department heads attended the exchange forum.


liu zheng extended his thanks towards the support and help of china construction bank dalian branch in dsic’s reform and development. he pointed out, in the unfavorable conditions of sluggish international economic recovery, increasing downward pressure on domestic economy and continued low shipbuilding market, many shipbuilding enterprises are seeking for survival in hot water, but dsic can maintain a steady development, for which our achievements achieved are inseparable from the support of ccb dalian branch in financial field. he wishes the two parties could solidify existing cooperative basis and continually expand cooperative fields so as to achieve mutual benefit and win-win solution.

zhang xijun expressed, ccb dalian branch has set up a strong and steady partnership with dsic and obtained good results over years in the course of good cooperation. they will as always exert their advantages to provide total service centering on dsic’s strategic development goal so as to drive the two parties to get greater development.

address: 1 yanhai street, dalian, liaoning province, china(to browse the contents, use ie6.0 or above)
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