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high quality, high efficiency, dsic launches no.42 113k dwt product carrier

along with a long honk of the horn, dsic launched the 2nd 113k dwt product carrier no. 42 constructed for singapore cara shipping from the slipway smoothly on may 15. from construction preparation to process control, then to completion inspection, sufficient preparation, implemented responsibility and standardized quality have been truly realized aboard the vessel, with launching integrity further improved in comparison with the first sister vessel, which has laid s solid foundation for sea trial.


prior to launching, the completion rate of e/r piping tightness is 50.4% higher than the first sister vessel while end of e/r ceiling coating/ insulation, and removal of staging being achieved; anchor chain is installed officially in the on-water period; the completion rate of piping tightness on deck/in cargo tank is 64.4% higher than the first one; emergency g/e is started in the period of general assembly; the completion rate of cabling the whole vessel is 100%; the production efficiency in the hull workshop is 11.3% higher than the first one; construction efficiency in special coating continues to rise while sandblasting for 3 pairs of cargo oil tanks being completed with internal inspection passed in the slipway. non-destructive testing of blocks has all finished prior to acceptance inspection with no missing. rt for the whole vessel is finished 24 days ahead of launching milestone, and ut done 20 days ahead, which has saved precious time for next work stage. 


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